Rotary Ocean Grove Summer Markets
A community hit from October to April, the Rotary Club of Ocean Grove organise the Summer Markets in the Ocean Grove Park. Ocean Grove Real Estate are proud to be major sponsors of this event with proceeds heading into the local community through various Rotary projects
The Great Barwon River Duck Race
One of the communities largest fundraising events, The Great Barwon River Duck Race has been an icon of the Barwon River for two decades. Ocean Grove Real Estate are proud to be the events major sponsor and support the Rotary Club of Ocean Grove in their major fund-raising event. Proceeds from duck sales head straight into the local schools and community organisations.

Ocean Grove Golf Club
With a team filled with Golfers, it was the ideal organisation for Ocean Grove Real Estate to support. We are proud to be sponsoring and supporting the Ocean Grove Golf Club.
Surfside Primary Fresh Food Fair
Food and sustainability education could not be more important in the current day, which is why Ocean Grove Real Estate get behind the Surfside Fresh Food Fair each year. As the schools major fundraiser, we offer not only our financial support as part of the Corless Family but our excellent customer service skills to work along side students in the kitchen on fair night.

Ocean Grove Surf Lifesaving Club
As the surf clubs new facilities finalised in 2019, Ocean Grove Real Estate thought that to be the best opportunity to donate some extra funds to add those finishing touches to state of the art facilities for the wonderful and brave club volunteers. Again, we asked for the support from locals with $50 from every appraisal donated for a month.
Kingston Community Christmas Party
Nothing brings more joy than an evening of Christmas Carols in the park, even better when performed by Geelong’s The Mik Maks. Ocean Grove Real Estate has had a long standing tradition of assisting with the Kingston Christmas event each year. Singing along to Carols, helping santa off his big red fire truck and enjoying the community spirit and joy it brings local families.

Santa’s Mailbox
Together with Wallington WRG, we provide one of the most important Postal Services in the world – Direct access to Santa’s Mailbox in the North Pole! Children have the opportunity to write their letter to Santa and the team at WRG and Ocean Grove Real Estate will make sure it is delivered to Santa and ensure Santa’s reply is delivered to the child’s home (we can’t guarantee you will end up on the naughty or nice list though!)
Eco Cups
Coffee? Tick. Reducing waste? Tick. Provided free to the community? Double Tick. Ocean Grove Real Estate jumped straight on the band wagon early on when it came to sustainability by providing Reusable cups free of charge to Ocean Grove locals.

Enviro Bags
Our team value the beautiful landscape we are lucky to call home, when an opportunity came to provide reusable shopping bags free of charge to the Ocean Grove community it was something we didn’t hesitate to do. Over 10,000 complimentary bags were distributed to the community in 2018 to help reduce plastic waste.